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  • When is the last day to add a player to my roster? What are Post Season Player Eligibility Requirements?
    Player Registration: TEAMS MAY ADD PLAYERS UP UNTIL TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO FINAL REGULAR SEASON MATCH FOR COMPUTER RATED (C) PLAYERS. Self-Rated (S) and Computer Appealed (A) Players need to be added at least three (3) weeks prior to final match of the regular season match. 2023 DALLAS TENNIS USTA Rules and Regulations: 2C(1). All players with a valid computer rating must play two (2) matches during the local league season (one (1) of which may be a default) in all leagues other than 55 & Over MIXED, Combo Doubles and Tri Level which require only one (1) match (zero defaults) to be eligible to participate in championship competition (Local League Championship, Sectionals, etc…). 2C(2). All Self-Rated and Valid Computer Rated Appealed players must play three (3) matches during the local league season (zero defaults) in all leagues other than 55 & Over MIXED, Combo Doubles and Tri Level which require only one (1) match (zero defaults) to be eligible to participate in championship competition (Local League Championship, Sectionals, etc…).
  • Opponent is late to match; how do we handle?
    Match Play: 2023 DALLAS TENNS USTA Rules and Regulations: 7H. Match play must begin no later than 15 minutes after the designated start time per the 15-minute default rule. No line shall begin play before the 15-minute default time has passed unless all players from the higher singles/double’s positions are present. Defaults must be from the bottom up. (i.e.: Line 2 singles or Line 3 doubles if players are not available at the start of the match.) Doubles teams are to be moved up as a pair. LATE PENALTIES: Late arriving team(s) should be accessed the following penalties. 0-5 minutes/1 game & loss of toss 5-10 minutes/2 games & loss of toss 10-15 minutes/3 games and loss of toss 15:01 minutes/default These penalties apply to physically being on court not just on site.
  • What is the weather policy?
    2023 DALLAS TENNIS USTA Rules and Regulations: 8. MAKE UP MATCHES (Due to Rain/Championship Advancement/Extreme Weather): 8A. Rainout / Championship Advancement/Extreme Weather Make-ups: All make-up matches for rain or championship advancement should be played within 14 days of the rainout/originally scheduled match. If a make-up match has not been entered in USTA TENNIS LINK within 14 days of the original match date, it should be considered as scheduled by the DTA League Coordinator on the 14th day at: * 1:00pm for Women’s Weekday Leagues * 5:00pm for Men’s and Women’s Saturday Leagues * 9:00am for Men’s Sunday League * 4:00pm for Women’s Sunday League * 3:00pm for 18 & over MIXED * 6:00pm for 40 & over MIXED and 55 & over AGE GROUP No match is to be rescheduled without the consent of the coordinator unless it is a rainout/championship play. Do not cancel for rain until the day of the match. Only lines that have started (first service attempt) stand for a rain make-up. A team is not held to any defaulted line(s) given. Should teams be faced with inclement weather on the date of the scheduled make up match, teams have 7 days from that date to reschedule unless late in the season at which time the DTA will set a completion deadline (#8G). 8B. Players that do not complete their match within the original 2-hour time limit and/or are bumped from their court must remain available to resume the match for a period of 1 hour if the home team can decide to resume the match within 1 hour. If a court cannot be secured within an hour, the players/captains will have 48 hours to schedule the completion of the match (within 14 days) and provide the details to the league coordinator. 8C. Rain/Extreme Weather Delay: If both captains have not agreed to declare a rainout/extreme weather, both teams (all players to play that day’s match) must be available at the site for one hour beyond the scheduled match time. 8D. Extreme Weather Conditions. The HOME Captain determines the conditions at the match site and is responsible for notifying the VISITING Captain NO MORE THAN two (2) hours prior to match start time on the SCHEDULED DAY OF THE MATCH. Both captains should verify through The following weather conditions may subject a match to be rescheduled: (1) If the actual temperature is 35 degrees or below at the time match is scheduled to begin play. (2) The actual temperature is 105 degrees or higher at the time match is scheduled to begin play. If either of the above extreme weather conditions exist, either captain may reschedule the match. Once the match has started, it must be completed.
  • What happens if there is a disagreement on the court?
    2023 DALLAS TENNIS Captains and Players Responsibilities: NEW!!! TO RESOLVE A DISAGREEMENT. The players are expected to resolve disagreements on the court. Friend At Court, “The Code” describes a 3-step process for score disputes, in order of preference: 1. All points & games are agreed upon by the players and REPLAY ONLY the disputed points or games. 2. Play from a score that is agreed upon by all players. 3. Spin a racquet or toss a coin. NOTE! Under no circumstances may any other person or Captain intervene in a match in progress. 2023 Friend at Court: Points played in good faith are counted. All points played in good faith stand.
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Office Location: 
13747 Montfort Drive, Suite 110
Dallas, Texas 75240
Telephone: 972-387-1538 | Fax: 972-763-0781
Monday - Friday | 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

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